Questions and Answers

How is the Procedure Performed?
How Long is the Healing Process?
When Will I See Results?
How Many Treatments Will I Need?
What is a Medical Grade Dermapen®?

How is the Procedure Performed?
The procedure is performed using a FDA Registered Dermapen® and/or a digital or rotary tattoo device and safety needles—but nothing is injected into your body and no color or pigments will be implanted. This procedure is “dry needling”, so it is also referred to as a dry tattoo or dry tattooing. A topical anesthetic can be applied to numb the treatment area but the procedure is not painful unless you have a very low pain threshold.  A sterile needle is inserted 1 to 2.5 millimeters into the skin (epidermis and top layer of the dermis) to create shallow puncture wounds. The needle is guided along the precise area making multiple insertions within the borders of a line, wrinkle, or scar. The dry needling causes pinpoint bleeding that is minimal and stops quickly. Your body’s natural healing process is activated at that point and the rest is up to your own collagen production.

How Long is the Healing Process?
For either wrinkle or scar treatments, swelling is minimal and surface (outer) healing occurs in a few days. Immediately after a procedure, your skin will look very red in the places that were needled. Fine lines and wrinkles will look like “cat scratches” or appear like they have “paper cuts” inside them. Scars will be red as if a scab had just been peeled off. A light scab will form on the treated areas (it is common for light scabbing to occur with skin penetration procedures). Redness lasts 1 to 4 days then turns pink by day 4 or 5 and continues to fade. During the first 3 to 7 days.  Procedures should be performed a minimum of 6 to 8 weeks apart to allow for complete healing and collagen production. The time span in between procedures can range from 1 to 6 months.

When Will I See Results?
Improvement in the needled areas may be seen as soon as a few weeks after a procedure. However, inner healing of the skin continues for up to twelive months. During this time the needled skin will smooth and tighten as collagen is deposited. Results can be enhanced and maintained when special vitamin creams are used after initial healing. Needling can also be combined with other treatments including Botox, IPL, and traditional surgical procedures.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?
The number of required treatment sessions varies according to the depth of each wrinkle or scar. Fine lines or wrinkles may need 1 to 2 sessions to be plumped. Medium to deeper wrinkles and acne scars may require 3 or more treatments for optimal results. Pitted scars and deep wrinkles may require 4 to 6 sessions or more for optimum depth and size improvement.

What is a Medical Grade Dermapen®?
Its The Worlds Most Advanced Fractional  Micro-Needling Device for treating Wrinkles, Scars, Acne Scarring and Stretch Marks.  For more information about  Dermapen® click on this link.